No One Knows What We Know
Room 8.png

Room Eight

Decode the rants of the man who knows everything. Just like the sign says, Clyde’s door never closes.

The door to Room Eight is completely ajar and is the only door of the Clock that the Family didn't change in the remodel. It matches the original structure of the House, chipping its yellowing white paint to scarcity on the pale wood. At the center is a hurried, black spray-painted number eight. The interior of the room is pitch black but for a flickering orange neon light claiming WE NEVER CLOSE.

living here

music playing in this room



The room seethes in a rotting floral smell over burnt engine oil stuck to the insides of its minimalist, survivalist decor. Every piece of Clyde's furniture has it's origins in some derelict factory or junkyard. Function versus aesthetic creates an eerie echo off the white walls and exposed piping when he opens his mouth to inform you of your destiny.

Whether you're living in Gray House or not, Clyde watches you, takes into consideration the course of your life, the ways in which he knows your stories will end, and the moment; the moment you'll die, the moment you first felt joy, and the moment he fell in love with you.

For the Gray Family, a people who can see into the infinite, mythology becomes a card catalog of where we've been and what we're experiencing. It's kind of like the existential version of stereotyping. We do it for better understanding, we do it as sport, and we do it to prove we're real. In Room Eight, you'll see what mythos means to us.